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Verb 有 for have and there is|Verb You to have

The Verb 有 (yǒu) and How to Use It

12 de July de 2021 por Loida Contreras
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The verb 有 (yǒu) is one of the most frequent in Chinese and has two main uses: "to have" and "there is / there are".

We'll also learn how to form negative sentences with the verb 有, since unlike other verbs, it doesn't use 不.

The verb 有 in the sense of "to have"

This is the most frequent use. People use it to talk about something they own.

  • He has four kids.
    四个孩子。(Tā yǒu sì gè háizi.)
  • We have an old car.
    我们一辆旧车。(Wǒmen yǒu yī liàng jiù chē.)
  • I have the answer!
    答案!Wǒ yǒu dá'àn!

有 (yǒu) in the sense of "there is/are"

  • Today there's a lot of people at the museum.
    今天博物馆里很多人。(Jīntiān bówùguǎn li yǒu hěnduō rén.)
  • There are four books on the table.
    四本书。(Zhuō shàng yǒu sì běn shū.)
  • When I was a kid, in my house there were two dogs.
    小时候,我家两只狗。(Xiǎoshíhòu, wǒjiā yǒu liǎng zhī gǒu.)

How to deny the verb 有 (yǒu)

As we mentioned at the beginning, unlike other verbs, we don't deny 有 (yǒu) with 不 (bù) but with the partícula 没 (méi).

  • She has no problem.
    没有问题。(Tā méiyǒu wèntí.)
  • We haven't money.
    我们没有钱。(Wǒmen méiyǒu qián.)
  • There's no one.
    没有人。(Méiyǒu rén.)

The verb 有 can also be omitted, and you can simply say 没 (méi).

  • I have no time.
    时间。(Wǒ méi shíjiān.)

When used in questions

In affirmative-negative questions (that is, that are answered with "yes" or "no"), the negative particle 不 (bù) is used.

However, just as the verb 有 (yǒu) uses 没 (méi) for negation, it it does the same in affirmative-negative questions.

  • Do you have a car?
    有没有车? (Nǐ yǒu méi yǒu chē?)
  • Yes, (I do). 有。(Yǒu).

To summarize, then, we've seen that 有 (yǒu) is used to talk about something that you own or something that exists. We've also leared that, to deny it, the particle 没 (méi) is used.

Among the mostly used verbs, there are also the verbs 喜欢 (xǐ huān) and 爱 (ài). In this post about verbs "to like" and "to love" you'll learn more about them.

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